Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Preschool Graduation 2014

It's hard to believe but the girls have graduated preschool and are now in kindergarten.  We are not sure where the time has gone but it has flew by.. :(

So cute in their cap and gown!

Love Ella's fake smile

That's better

Ella Rae

Emma Jean

Hangin with some friends



Emma waving at daddy

Ella waiting patiently...

Congratulations to the first graduating class at Children Of America pre-school

Emma walking down the aisle to receive her diploma

The teacher asked her what she wanted to be when she grew up

She is thinking..

And she said "DADDY"  lol

Everyone laughed and she received her diploma


Ella walking down the aisle to get her diploma

Ella being asked what she wants to be when she grows up

She is thinking.....

And she says..."A SUPERHERO"  lol

And she gets her diploma...YAY!!

Emma's class reading a graduation poem

Ella's class singing a cute song

The entire class singing "Let it Go" a little teary eyed's over

Ella looking so proud

Flowers from mommy and daddy

A proud day for mommy and daddy!!

Sunday, August 24, 2014

Happy Father's Day 2014

Daddy bought himself a golf cart for father's day...Off to the pool we go!!

Ella giving the golf cart a good cleaning after the pool

Emma taking her job

This is what we made daddy!!

Off to school to have "donuts with daddy".